Plans for Summer 2023

 Plans for Summer 2023

As my year winds down in Ontario and return home is on the horizon it is beginning to get harder and harder not to make plans for the summer. All the following plans are tentative however I hope to complete most of them.

Banded Peak - I know, this one again. Banded peak has been something I've been talking about doing for almost two years, but have not yet completed. This summer I've made it a must - for real this time. The plan as it stands right now is to hike to Big Elbow in the evening one night, sleep there, and complete Banded the next day. The plan for the actual Banded ascent is very tentative and based how we're feeling in the moment however right now the plan is to hike Banded, complete the traverse to Outlaw and then descend from Outlaw back to Big Elbow for one more night of camping. Even if the plans do change, this is guaranteed to be a highlight of the summer. 

Sunrise Hike - Last summer Dad and I hiked up Forgetmenot Ridge and slept up there to watch the sunrise the following morning. Maybe he will express how he felt about it in the comments, but for me it was one of the best hikes last summer. There is something surreal about waking up on the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise at 5am. I'm exploring a couple options right now on where to complete this summers sunrise hike but as of right now the options include Powderface Ridge (false summit) and Mount Burke. I'm leaning towards Mount Burke for a couple reasons. Firstly, it is on the edge of the mountain range which promises for an incredible view of the sun rising over the prairies. Mount Burke also has an abandoned fire lookout at the top which could make an awesome spot to set a tent up at the top and it could add some protection from the elements and wind. Similar to Banded I think whatever happens with this hike it will provide an array of unique experiences.

Sunrise Hike From Last Year

Other Plans - Besides the two mentioned above, my hiking season remains pretty wide open. I have a lot of day hikes in mind so I guess I'll see where those take me, but I am sure that there will be lots of hiking content this summer. I am going to try to bring a camera when I hike this summer to create more accurate documentation of my hikes. One thing is for sure after being away from the mountains this year - I am extremely privileged to reside where I do. I feel having grown up in Alberta and the mountains they have become deeply entrenched in who I am and I find it hard to be away from them. I'm excited to be home and get the season started and when I do I will be sure to update the blog...


  1. The sunset/sunrise hike was very special. With an evening hike up and a early morning hike back down, we had the entire place to ourselves. The sunset portion was cut off a little by the height of the mountains, but the sunrise was spectacular looking East over the prairies. I'm really looking forward to whatever plan Sam comes up with this summer, and will definitely be tagging along - as long as he doesn't mind waiting up for me!! :)


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